
Why is Ritalin Abuse Popular Among Teens?

Ritalin is one of the most popular prescriptions for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and adults. Since it is widely available, teens in Minnesota can often get the drug directly from their friends.

Signs of Ritalin abuse can be difficult for adults to catch. Because Ritalin abuse effects include intense concentration, enhanced recall, and higher energy, it is used as a study drug – improving grades and scores on high-stakes tests.

However, Ritalin abuse symptoms also include serious physical and neurological complications that become apparent as the abuse continues. In 2013, 2.7 million teens reported misusing or abusing Ritalin or a similar drug at least once.

Common Street Names

Street names for Ritalin include:

  • Kiddy Coke (or Kiddy Cocaine)

  • Poor Man’s Cocaine

  • Uppers

  • Vitamin R

  • R-Ball

  • Skippy

  • Smarties

  • Kibbles & Bits

  • Diet Coke

  • R Pop

  • Coke Junior

  • Jif

  • Study Buddies

How is Ritalin Abused?

Ritalin can be abused discreetly by swallowing or chewing a pill or capsule. This can happen in the morning, during lunch periods, at work, or late at night. It is often combined with coffee or energy drinks. These make Ritalin side effects more powerful and can worsen Ritalin overdose.

Overview of How the Drug is Abused


Ritalin abuse can create a sense of “laser focus” many teens find attractive. This makes it harder for them to notice other signs of Ritalin use like reduced appetite, dizziness, fatigue, headache, sweating, rapid heart rate, and stomach pain. After using Ritalin, many teens have difficulty sleeping and may develop insomnia, nightmares, and other problems.

Warning Signs

Ritalin addiction can begin suddenly after one exposure to the drug. Teens may seem to have boundless energy, only to “crash” later. They sometimes take on more difficult studies, work, or hobbies, exhibiting signs of perfectionism and “workaholism.”

In some teens, the exact opposite happens: They withdraw from activities and relationships with family and friends, so their addiction goes unnoticed. Repetitive, ritual-like actions, paranoia, and hallucinations can develop over time.

Long-Term Effects and Dangers of Abuse

Ritalin overdose symptoms are life-threatening. They are most likely when teens increase their dosage or use other stimulants in combination with Ritalin. They include heart palpitations, impaired vision, and a risk of stroke, heart attack, or seizure.

Ritalin Abuse Treatment: How Anthony Louis Center Helps Teens

Treatment for Ritalin abuse must protect teen addiction sufferers from effects of withdrawal while helping them address the underlying issues that led to drug abuse. The Anthony Louis Center provides medical care and mental health treatment in a caring, supportive environment – presenting teens with the resources they need to leave Ritalin behind for good.

To help your loved one, contact us today.

Source: detoxtorehab.com
Source: detoxtorehab.com

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